Advance online ticket purchase is recommended.
Young people between 18 and 25 years old from the European Community, non-EU countries with reciprocal agreements, and non-EU countries with a valid residence permit issued for the reasons indicated on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The age limit for the discount is exceeded on the day after the 25th birthday.
Only at the ticket office by showing proof of eligibility:
- Citizens under 18 years old from the European Community and non-EU countries;
- EU tourist guides in the exercise of their professional activity, upon presentation of a valid license issued by the competent authority (Circular 20-2016 DG-MU.pdf);
- EU tourist interpreters when their work is required alongside the guide, upon presentation of a valid license issued by the competent authority;
- Ministry staff;
- Members of I.C.O.M. (International Council of Museums);
- Teachers and students enrolled in architecture, cultural heritage conservation, education sciences, and degree courses in literature or literary subjects with an archaeological or historical-artistic focus from the faculties of literature and philosophy, or corresponding faculties and courses established in EU member states. The free ticket is issued to students upon presentation of the enrollment certificate for the current academic year;
- Teachers and students enrolled in fine arts academies or corresponding EU institutions. The ticket is issued to students upon presentation of the enrollment certificate for the current academic year;
- School teaching staff, permanent or on fixed-term contracts, upon presentation of suitable certification issued by the school institutions, on the model prepared by the Ministry of Education;
- People with disabilities and a family member or other companion who demonstrates their belonging to social-health assistance services;
- Operators of volunteer associations who carry out, based on existing agreements stipulated with the Ministry pursuant to art. 112, paragraph 8 of the Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape, activities of promotion and dissemination of knowledge of cultural heritage;
- Groups or parties of students from public and private schools of the European Union, accompanied by their teachers, upon reservation and within the contingent established by the director of the Institute or place of culture;
- For reasons of study or research attested by school or university institutions, academies, Italian or foreign research and cultural institutes, as well as by Ministry bodies, or for particular and justified needs, the directors of the Institutes or places of culture may allow subjects who request it free entry for specific periods;
- For reasons of study or research attested by school or university institutions, academies, Italian or foreign research and cultural institutes, as well as by Ministry bodies, or for particular and justified needs, the general director of museums may issue annual free entry passes to all Institutes and places of culture to individual subjects, as well as identify categories of subjects to whom to allow, for certain periods, free entry to the same places;
- Students of the advanced training courses of the Ministry Schools - Central Institute for Restoration, Opificio delle Pietre Dure, School for Mosaic Restoration - (circular letter prot. 2288 of 19-04-2001.pdf);
- Honorary Inspectors and Conservators of the Ministry;
- Citizens of Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland adhering to the agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA), the provisions on free and reduced admission provided for by ministerial decree 20 April 2006, n. 239, art 1, paragraph 3, amending DM 507/1997 (DM 11 December 2007.pdf);
- Military personnel of the Cultural Heritage Protection Unit;
- Members of I.C.C.R.O.M.;
- Journalists in good standing with the payment of membership fees, upon presentation of a suitable document proving the professional activity carried out (benefit granted for a period of three years - DDG of 7-09-2022, n. 951 DG-Musei.pdf);
- First Sunday of every month free for all visitors;
- April 25, June 2, and November 4;
- March 8 for all women, for "International Women's Day";
- The site is part of the Campania Artecard circuit.
What's included
- 1 ticket for MANN and current exhibitions
- From Wednesday to Monday 9.00 AM - 7.30 PM
Last admission 6.30 PM - December 24 and 31, 2024
extraordinary opening of the Museum from 10:00 to 18:00 - January 1, 2024
extraordinary opening of the Museum from 10:00 to 18:00
December 25, 2024
Additional Info
Advance online ticket purchase is recommended.
Info Reservation
Buy online
Piazza Museo 19, Napoli
How to reach
Metro: line 1, Museo stop
Metro: line 2, Piazza Cavour stop
Accessible to people with disabilities
Official WebsiteVisiting Rules
- To visit the Magna Grecia collection, it is necessary to wear shoe covers
- Egyptian Section and Epigraphic Section, temporarily closed for technical interventions
- Farnesian Gems, temporarily closed for a photographic campaign.